Get to know Lauren McDowell, our new executive administrator! Lauren joined our team as a marketing assistant and she knocked it out of the park by constantly taking on new roles and responsibilities. We knew she would be the perfect fit for this position and that our clients would love her as much as we do.
What’s your favorite thing about living in Tuscaloosa?
I love the culture. It has this small-town feel, but it is filled with a very diverse population. Also, you can’t forget Alabama football.
What are you studying at The University of Alabama?
I attend UA for a bachelor’s degree in marketing with a minor in computer science. I will be graduating August 4th, and I am so excited! I also have an Associates in Science.
What sparked your interest in real estate?
Working with The Gray Group sparked my interest in real estate. I came on as a marketing assistant, and I was so fortunate to work with Elizabeth and I learned so much. My role progressed from me just helping with the marketing, to me helping the agents as well. I loved how fast paced everything was, and how every day was different from the last. I love that how hard you work determines your success. You are in control. What you put in is what you get out. I get to be surrounded by agents who love what they do and who are exceptional at what they do, and I can’t wait to learn as much as I can working with them.
What’s a typical day like for you?
It depends on who I am helping. Now that I am transitioning into the executive administrator role I will be responsible for overseeing the contract process from start to finish.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I love to forecast album sales for my favorite artist(s). I am usually pretty close with my projections on the Hot 100. I wanted to be in music marketing (that would still be pretty cool) so there is this whole process I do. It is a lot of fun, at least to me it is.
Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanted to be everything. I was going to be an astronaut/singer/preacher. I used to go to my church with my grandma during the summer on weekdays and the sanctuary would be empty so I would just preach sermons for hours. I was practicing for my future TED talk 😉
How do you want people to remember you?
I want to be remembered as someone who respected everyone I came across, and always remained humble and kind.
What are the biggest strengths you bring to your job?
I think the most important skill I have is emotional intelligence. Everything else can be taught, but emotional intelligence (empathy, awareness, motivation, accountability) has to be ingrained in you from childhood on. I believe that will be a key part of my success personally and professionally. I also am a very teachable person. I enjoy learning, and I know there is a lot I don’t know yet; so, I’m more than happy to learn from those that have the expertise.
Name three words that you describe you.
Honest, goofy, and motivated
What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?
I want to continue to learn from the buyer’s agents around me, and get my license. I am very pragmatic, and I know the fail rate for real estate agents is high, so the fact that I have the opportunity to be around The Gray Group is going to be a key part on my road to success.
Name a few of your daily habits.
I am now at the age where I need a night serum so that is my most consistent daily habit. I also take my B12 vitamins and daily vitamins. You gotta take care of yourself. I also work out, but that is an every other day thing. (Note: I am writing this during school deadlines so I haven’t been in 2 weeks :))
What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
I love watching This is Us, Westworld, and The Office in my downtime. Also, I love shopping. I take one too many trips to Birmingham. I also enjoy building the business plan for an online boutique my friend and I are opening in the next year.
What are some causes you care about?
I am a supporter of UNICEF and St. Jude. I also just now learned about the Happy Hippie Foundation that helps homeless youth. Children are our future, and I hope I can help create as many opportunities as possible to help them achieve success. Everyone deserves a shot to make something of themselves. Now that I am about to be out of school. I hope I can participate more in the community.
What would be your personal motto?
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Also, “Nothing will work unless you do” both said by the amazing Maya Angelou
Click here to read Lauren’s full bio.